Shrubs and plants which flower in February
If you want to improve the look of your garden in February, here are shrubs and flowering plants which are looking at their best in February.
Bear in mind that the seasons and the weather can be a bit of a moveable feast. A very cold or warmer winter will have an impact on the garden, but generally these are all reliable performers for late winter.
Jasminum nudiflorum

Jasminum nudiflorum is the winter flowering Jasmine. It is unscented and decidous the flowers appearing ahead of the leaves. Easy to grow.
Garrya elliptica

Garrya elliptica also known as the silk tassel bush grown for its splendid catkins present around this time of year. Grow in a slightly sheltered spot.

A great garden favourite, long flowering and self seeding Hellebores look great with spring bulbs and in a woodland setting. Growing tips.

Crocus is one of the early flowering spring bulbs and looks best planted in groups. Easy to plant and returning reliably each year.

Early flowering Camellia start to bloom in February. Camellia are very showy shrubs, glossy leaves and beautiful rose like flowers, but not easy to grow. Tips and advice.

This is Pulmonaria 'Blue ensign' a small, low growing plant with fairly small flowers which looks much better than it sounds and attracts emerging solitary bees.
Native primrose

Our native primrose flowers early and has a delicate scent. It looks good in a woodland setting and mixes well with Pulmonaria, or under planting Camellia. It is easy to grow.
Early Daffodils

The different varieties of daffodils flower from January/February through to late spring. This is Narcissus 'February Gold'
Viburnum x bodnantense
Delicate pink flowers which are strongly scented . This variety of Viburnum is deciduous, vigorous and flowers between December and March.
Lonicera fragrantissima

Small insignificant flowers which pack a fantastic scent, one of the best winter scented shrubs. Winter flowering honeysuckle has a sweet smell and is easy to grow.
Clematis 'winter beauty'

This is one of the late winter/early spring flowering Clematis, Winter beauty. It is evergreen, with attractive bell-shaped flowers from around February. H3 it is best grown against a wall - on Sale Crocus (affiliate link)