Which Type of Tomatoes are Easiest to Grow? Cordon or Bush?

Tomatoes need a lot of care and attention, but even so some are easier to grow than others.
Tomatoes divide up into two broad groups; upright and bush.
Upright tomatoes, also known as Cordon or Indeterminate Tomatoes, as the name suggests, grow upright with a single stem. Upright tomatoes are more labour intensive and difficult to grow because they have additional growing requirements. These are stopping off the growth, pinching out the side shoots, and thinning the foliage- details below.
Bush tomatoes make small bushes and do not need to have their growth checked, or side shoots removed and are easier to grow. Many bush tomatoes are small cherry types and are suitable for containers and hanging baskets. Illustrated here is a lovely sweet variety "Red Profusion" which as the images shows is a bush variety with dozens of hanging trusses of tomatoes.
Some types of tomatoes are found only as either upright or bush. For example, the larger tomatoes, such as beefsteak, are upright. If you want to grow different types of tomatoes, you will need to grow both bush and upright. The top-right image shows upright tomatoes.
Bush tomato are shrub like in growth and need some support, a light cane will do. Overall, they are easier to grow compared with Cordon tomatoes, which grow up to 2m and more.
Which variety to choose is a question of personal taste but remember the large, Beefsteak type, because the fruits are so large take longer to ripen. This means if your veg plot, or greenhouse is in an exposed area, or further north, they may not ripen until late in the season. For many gardeners, especially new gardeners, the easiest tomatoes to grow to get a good crop without too much trouble are the bush cherry tomatoes.
Choosing between Cordon Tomatoes or Bush Tomatoes
Cordon or Bush?
Looking at the images, the cordon tomato is tall and thin. The Bush tomato in the hanging basket is like a small shrub.
The Bush variety of tomato, of which there are many types, are easier to grow because they do not need pinching out, less potting on and it is unnecessary to take off side shoots.
Bush tomatoes can be left to get on with the growing. Those sold as suitable for hanging baskets are often the small fruit varieties, and they can do very well in hanging baskets with dozen and dozens of tumbling fruit.

Cordon Tomatoes growing in a greenhouse
This shows Cordon Tomatoes, which are still relatively small growing in a greenhouse.
They will need to be potted on into large containers, usually several times. For upright tomatoes, it's essential to remove the side shoots. Also, upright tomatoes need much more by way of supports, usually canes and ties added, especially as the fruit forms

Bush tomatoes growing in hanging basket
This is a bush tomato plant, and the shape is quite different. It is ideal for hanging baskets and often supports the cherry type of tomato. It is easier to grow and requires less attention.
However, if grown in a hanging basket, it will need regular watering. All plants grown in hanging baskets are more prone to drying out and tomatoes are thirsty plants.
Step by Step Guide
How to pot on Tomatoes, dos and don'ts, and why it is important.
Hardening off tomatoes for growing outside
Pinching out Side Shoots on tomatoes
Common problems and diseases when growing tomatoes

Step by Step Guide
If you have found these tips helpful, why not buy the book: click here for details Success with Tomatoes The Sunday Gardener's guide to growing tomatoes, packed full of practical tips and helpful images, everything you need to know to grow a tasty crop. Was £6.20 now £4.20 plus postage UK only