Shrubs And Plants Flowering In September
Looking for late summer colour? Here are the best of the summer's late performers. There's plenty of colour still to come.
Dazzling Dahlia flowering all though Septemer

Dahlia are the star of the show for late summer colour. They start to flower around July and just keep on flowering, often until the first frosts and they make such a dazzling display. In all shapes, sizes and colours Dahlia provide a great summer show. Illustrated left with a blue Agapanthus, the Dahlia will be flowering for weeks after the Agapanthus has finished.
Find out more about Dahlia, their many flower forms and tips on how the grow them.
Hydrangea fading glory of summer

Hydrangea are great late performers and belong to the unique group of plants whose blooms look good as they fade. By September much of their flowering time is over and so the blooms are not as bright but they look so good as they fade. Illustrated left the ruby red blooms in their late colour hydrangea macrophyll. Center, the delicate fading blooms of hydrangea panticulata and left pink lacecap.
White is bright

White marguerite brighten up the borders and look great in containers continuing to flower after many summer annuals have finished.

Erigeron with Sempervivums seen at Bourton Hall Gardens. Erigeron is a small flower but it creates a mass of delicate colour as it starts flowering pink maturing to white.

Hemerocallis, common name day lily, will keep flowering for weeks with just regular dead-heading.
A clump forming herbaceous perennial they are easy to grow.

Sedum will flower all through September and are a magnet for bees butterflies and pollinators providing late nectar. The white flowering sedums are particularly attractive to Butterflies.
Japenese anenome

Common name wind flower, this Japanese anenome is 'hupehensis Pamina'. Tall flowering in lovely shades of creamy white, pink and soft mauve J. anemones are easy to grow perhaps a touch too vigorous.

Still flowering in September and bringing in the bees is Echinacea. A summer flowering herbaceous perennial which flowers in a good range of colours. It is an ideal border plant as its easy to grow and trouble free.
Enjoy a short nature video of butterflies feeding on Sedums
Relax and watch the butterflies enjoying Sedums in the late summer sun. When I say they are a magnet for bees butterflies and pollinators, this video proves it and why every garden should have a Sedum.