The Best Way to Ripen Green Tomatoes

I find this a foolproof way to ripen tomatoes, which I have used for many years, and hopefully it will work as well for you.
There is a perception that tomatoes can be difficult to ripen once the main summer is past. In October, as light levels are dropping, the plant is slowing down, and the fruit doesn't seem to ripen. The tomato plants still have loads of green tomatoes and chutney isn't the solution.
When it's turning chilly and you feel the best of the summer and early autumn sun has passed, cut the tomatoes off the plant on the vine. Bring them indoors and lay them on cardboard/newspaper in a spare room, conservatory or on a sunny windowsill and they will ripen. The Sunday Gardener has used this simple method to ripen tomatoes for several years without fail. The vines need to be somewhere warm, and the fruit will ripen.
I found this method to work well when one year moving house in early autumn. It was not practical to take tomato plants to the new house. The only thing to be done was to cut all the tomato plants down. Cutting the trusses of fruit and leaving them on cardboard in a warm place led to over 80% of them ripening.
Step-by-step guide
How to grow tomatoes from seed and what to do about weedy seedlings
What are the easiest tomatoes to grow? Cordon or Bush?
How to pot on tomatoes, dos and don'ts, and why it is important.
Hardening off tomatoes for growing outside
Pinching out Side Shoots on tomatoes
Stopping off Tomatoes
The Best way to Water and Feed Tomatoes
Common pest and diseases when growing tomatoes

Step-by-step guide
If you have found these tips helpful, why not buy the book: click here for details Success with Tomatoes
The Sunday Gardener's guide to growing tomatoes, packed full of practical tips and helpful images, everything you need to know to grow a tasty crop. Was £6.20 now £4.20 plus postage UK only.