How to grow Viburnum

A wide genus of over 150 species which are both evergreen, semi-evergreen and deciduous shrubs.Here are some of the most commonly grown. We may see too often some varieties giving Viburnum can get a bad press because they are often planted in landscaping arrangements around supermarkets and stores.

Unfair as Viburnums are a lovely garden shrub, which produce flowers and berries. They are fully hardy, easy to grow,  and tolerant of most conditions apart from exposed sites with chill winds. Viburnum will grow in sun or partial shade and contribute colourfully to the garden with attractive flowers, often scented and with berries in the Autumn. 

 Viburnums are not particular about soil as long as it is not too wet or waterlogged, and will grow in both part sun and part shade. If you are thinking of planting a shrub border, it is well worth looking at the varieties of Viburnums for their delicate flowers, often scented and the bonus of berries for the birds.

If Viburnum is not the shrub for you, check out shrubs and bushes; spring flowering shrubssummer flowering shrubsshrubs with autumn and winter interest; and The best easy to grow evergreen shrubs.

Different types of Viburnum

The varieties illustrated above are the most popular, each growing to around 3 meters and are easy to grow, requiring little or no attention from one year to the next. Illustrated above right is Viburnum tinus, hardy and evergreen with white flowers during late winter and early spring flowering for a long period followed by berries.  Most of the evergreen Viburnums have white /cream or tinged pink flowers although some are summer flowering such as V japonica and odoratissimum, which, as the suggests, is scented.

Image left is Viburnum x  carlcephalum , deciduous with the most fragrant flowers in the spring. The flowers look similar to Viburnum x burkwoodii, which also has scented flowers in the spring and is one of the most popular Viburnums. Although the flowers look very similar, Viburnum burkwoodii is evergreen where carlcephalum is deciduous. 

The centre image is Viburnum x bodnantense 'Dawn' a better known deciduous variety with heavily scented flowers over a long period from late autumn to spring.

As a shrub, Viburnum is easier to grow than the similar Daphne x burkwoodii which is evergreen and scented, but more temperamental . If you like the look of Daphne x burkwoodii, but the growing conditions are not suitable, try Viburnum x bodnantense. 

 These varieties are available in garden centres and on line any of which will look good in a shrub border and you will not have to fuss over them. 

If Viburnum is not the shrub for you, check out shrubs and bushes; spring flowering shrubssummer flowering shrubsshrubs with autumn and winter interest; and evergreen shrubs.

All these varieties of Viburnum and more are available to buy from Crocus (affiliate link)

last updated 05.10.2021