Shrubs and Plants Flowering in July

There is so much in flower in July it is hard to know where to start. This list can only be a guide as the seasonal weather will influence precise flowering times. This year, 2024 spring and summer so far have been cool and damp and as a result many plants are flowering later but its been good for keeping plants flowering for longer.

Lots of ideas to fill your garden with colour and scent. If you are inspired to buy, you can find Crocus offering many of the plants listed below.


soft mauve Delphinium

Beautiful spires of flowers in all shades of mauve, blue, white, pink, and some with contrasting bees in the centre. Delphiniums are attractive to bees, but hard work. They need slug protection, staking, sun and do best on moist soil which does not dry out.

Growing Tips


Brilliant blue Agapanthus

I love Agapanthus. Stylish blooms which are long flowering.  Agapanthus can be evergreen or deciduous. Once established in the right place, Agapanthus will bloom reliably each year. Agapanthus grows well in containers.

How to grow Agapanthus


Thalictrum delavayi

Thalictrum is a garden favourite of mine. Delicate heads of fluffy mauve will move with the breeze. Ideal for growing with Grasses and Delphiniums, and will grow well in most soil conditions and in partial shade. A self seeder.

How to grow Thalictrum



Achillea is another long flowering perennial whose flower heads look good as they fade. Available in a wide range of colours will light feathered foilage Achillea are easy to grow in a sunny spot. Taller varieties may require staking.

How to grow Achillea

Everlasting pea

Everlasting Pea

Sweet Peas are an annual, which means they grow, flower and die all in the same year.  There is also a perennial variety of pea which returns reliably each year, and is easy to grow.

Grow the Everlasting pea


honeysuckle flowers

One of the sweetest scented garden shrubs and attractive to pollinators. To get the best scent pick carefully the variety as not all are highly scented.

Growing tips and best scented varieties.


philadelphus the Mock Orange

One of the nicest summer flowering shrubs, Philadelphus is deciduous with white flowers in early summer, which are usually scented. Fully hardy and easy to grow Philadelphus is an ideal garden shrub.


large Dahlia flower heads

Dahlia starts flowering in July and will carry on until the first frosts. Excellent and long flowering, Dahlia offers lots of colour all summer long. Easier to grow than you think and also check out an easy way to overwinter Dahlia.


Lavender 'Havana' hardy and more resisitant to winter wet

Lavender has a long flowering time and there are many varieties, colours and sizes to choose from. Lavender needs well-drained conditions and hates too much winter wet. Illustrated is L. Havana said to be more wet resistant.


Bee on Chive

Easy to overlook chives, but they make a great edging plant and the bees just love them.

They are also a cut and come again herbs so you can get more than one set of flowers per summer.

Hardy Geranium

Blue hardy geraniums with lime green flowers of achillea mollis

Another bee favourite, hardy geraniums. Lots to choose from tiny compact varieties to larger up to 05m, and in all shades of blue, mauve, white, pink and variegated. Geraniums bloom for a long time if dead-headed regularly.


Erigeron tiny flowers

Although the flowers on Erigeron are small, on mass they look really good. A hardy perennial Erigeron is good for growing in crevices, pavings and also looks good in containers. Easy to grow sun loving perennial.