Shrubs and plants flowering in August
Sometimes in August there can be a garden gap, between the full on summer flowering shrubs and plants and the autumn colour and flowers. Here are some ideas to colour up your August borders with some of the best August flowering plants. Check out shrubs and plants flowering in July, because all through September Agapanthus, Dahlia, Thalictrum will continue to fade and the flower heads on Achillea will fade gracefully.
Late Clematis

There are many late flowering Clematis looking good through August and September. Check out C. Jackmanii (illustrated,) also C. Polish Spirit, C. Princess Diana, Bill MacKenzie. Suttons have an extensive selection of late flowering Clematis.
This is Hydrangea paniculata and the two images show the lovely white flowers in full bloom and the graceful fading flower heads.
Hydrangea have a long flowering season and as illustrated, look good as the flowers go over.

Monarda is a short lived, herbaceous perennial which is aromatic and attractive to bees, hence its common name of Bee Balm. Long flowering with large flowers in bold colours purple, red, and mauve. It is easy to grow and mixes well with other late perennials and grasses.

In full flower at this time of year is Lavatera, illustrated is a really nice variety called L. Barnsley Chop.It is a perennial shrub. Again it can be short-lived, especially if grown where winter wet can be a problem. Still, with masses of flowers, it puts on a good show.
Japanese Anemones

Japanese Anemones are a tall, herbaceous perennial which returns reliably every year. Easy to grow. When planting bear in mind, they will always turn to face to the sun. Important also is that they can become invasive. This means they either need a lot of space, or effort to keep them contained. One of the few flowering plants which grows well in shady conditions.

I love Sedums almost as much as the bees and butterflies. Sedum produce lovely late summer colour right through to the frosts and very popular with all pollinators. Bees and butterflies will literally cover a Sedum on a warm summer's day. Don't take my word for it. Check out the video . The white variety in the video which is so popular is S. Spectabile iceberg.

This is a lovely white Astrantia (credit image Aleksandra Sapozhnikova) an easy to grow herbaceous perennial which is long flowering with delicate pin cushion flowers.
Astrantia will tolerate semi shade, and flowers from May to September.

Helenium is easy to grow in most conditions provided there is sun. Fully hardy herbaceous perennial Helenium looks good planted with grasses and other late flowering perennial, shown here with Agapanthus.
A reliable late summer flowering border plant.