Plants and Shrubs flowering in June
Looking for planting ideas for June? Want to know which plants and shrubs are at their best in June? I keep adding to this list as so many plants are flowering now.
check out the details below. As always, exact flowering times will vary around the country and with the weather.

Peonies are an easy-to-grow, herbaceous perennials with large, often fragrant, blooms.
Tips on How to Grow Peonies

June is the start of rose flowering season. With so many varieties to choose from there is always room for one rose in a garden
Sweet Peas

Follow 6 top tips for growing sweet peas and they will flower from now until the Autum. A fast growing annual you can collect seed at the end of the season ready for next year.

Many clematis are flowering now with lovely large saucer shaped blooms. Most are deciduous perennials which require annual prunning. Tips about planting and growing Clematis.

With their lovely tall spires Delphiniums are a reliable herbacious perennial which add colour and height to a border- but need attention.

Nepeta is one of the easiest, and most reliable of perennials, it is also much loved by bees, (and cats.)

Poppies make a great splash of colour and are visited by bees. Many are annuals, such as this illustrated which is a Ladybird poppy. There are perennial poppies to grow as well.
Bearded Iris

Bearded Iris flower throughout June. Perennial with upright foliage which looks good after the blooms have faded. This type of Iris requires a sunny spot.

There is a wide range of geraniums to choose from. Easy to grow perennial, some herbaceous, many colours and the blue varaties are much loved by bees.

Hosta foliage is looking at its best this month before the slugs get to work. How to stop the slugs and best slug resistant hosta to grow.