What Can I Prune in March
March is a big pruning month.
Prune Bush and Shrub Roses. First, remove anything that looks unhealthy. This means removing any branches which are spindly, or don't look good, prune them away. Look at the remaining framework on each major branch, look for a bud which faces outwards (away from the plant) cut on a slope just above. Cut to around 40cmc (1ft - 1.5ft) which is around knee high. You are aiming for a goblet shape. It's a good idea, if you have time, to feed the roses after pruning.
If you haven't already done so, March is also the correct time to prune Buddleia. Cut back to 15cms don't panic as it will look very bare. Buddleia is a vigorous shrub and will quickly re grow. Check your variety of Buddleia. March is the time to prune B. davidii but not Buddleia alternifolia or Buddleia globosa. This is because these Buddleia have flowers which are on last year's stems (called old wood,) and if you prune now, you will cut off the flowers. (Images on web page show which is which.)
You can also hard prune Lavatera, as the new green shoots are emerging, cut the old wood right back and the new growth will flourish and carry this year's flowers.
Coppice Eucalyptus to keep it under control.
Prune Hydrangea paniculata removing the spent flower heads and cut down to a bud, more about growing and pruning Hydrangeas.
Prune winter flowering Jasmine removing most of the weak, straggly and spindly growth.
Give Cotinus either a light prune to trim into shape or a hard prune to contain growth.
Lonicera (Honeysuckle) prune about one third of the oldest growth down to ground level. If the plant is overgrown, it can be pruned hard to rejuvenate.
Prune Pyracantha (firethorn) and Euonymus lightly trimmed back into shape and to keep to size.
Last chance to prune Wisteria, which is essential to keep it flowering. Tips and video on how to prune Wisteria.
and also last chance to prune Clematis
