Snow Gardening with Helleborus
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Helleborus look lovely in the snow and carry on flowering whatever the weather throws at them. Different varieties of Helleborus flower from December to March and once established they form clumps which self seed freely, but not so much as to be invasive. Helleborus are easy to grow flowering in many colours from pure white, cream, pinks, reds burgundy and even green. Helleborus mainly take care of themselves and are ideal in a shady spot: advice and tips on growing Helleborus. Not much gardening to do at this time of year when the ground is frosty, hard and sometimes covered in snow. Inexplicably, snow always seems to transform the landscape and it looks beautiful. Heavy snow can damage a garden; it is easy to be fooled given how attractive snow looks the damages to shrubs and bushes can be surprising even to the extent of snapping branches on some types of shrubs; click here for tips to prevent winter damage.
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