Wildlife friendly plants
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Around this time of year we start to think about spring; what to plant and where. Gardeners are always looking forward although at this time of year it is more about ideas and planning and less about doing. What about some wildlife friendly plants and shrubs? There are many reports and surveys about the decline in bee numbers, which are helpful but it's obvious to gardeners there is a problem as bees are simply not as prevalent as they were. This is of concern because the balance of nature is shifting. Bees are the pollinators; rushing from plant to plant collecting nectar and pollen.
There are a number of theories about why bees are declining but it does seem clear that providing bees with the plants they like to feed on is bound to encourage them and by providing more food help to sustain their numbers. There are a wide range of bee, and butterfly friendly plants and follow this link for ideas on how to create your own Wildlife Friendly Garden Apart from contributing to the conservation effort, these plants easy to grow, fantastic colours and lovely to see the bees and butterflies enjoying them as well.
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