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Pruning Wisteria in Winter

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Pruning Wisteria

Wisteria blooms

A beautiful day and where the sun's rays reached, warm and pleasant.

My Wisteria grows on a South facing wall so this seemed the ideal day to tackle an essential February job of pruning the Wisteria. To keep Wisteria flowering the climber must be pruned twice a year which makes it a high maintenance plant to grow.

Wisteria in flower, with its beautiful scented pendent racemes, is  a breath taking sight. Wisteria are vigorous and part of the pruning regime is to keep them in check as once a Wisteria escapes, it is up up and away.

Also bear in mind because of their climbing habit, pruning often has to be done from ladders, and extending ladders as they plant matures. High maintenance, high rewards. For more about Growing Wisteria follow the link. red wheel barrow Wisteria are high maintanance







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