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Pelargoniums -Geraniums

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I love Pelargoniums, common name geraniums and they are not just bedding plants. There are a vast number of Pelargoniums, over 230 species, some have great flowers, others outstanding foliage and also many have scented leaves of lemon, nutmeg , apple all sorts of smells which is why I so enjoyed a wet afternoon in the greenhouse sorting out cuttings for propagation. Handling Pelargoniums releases the scent from their leaves, a smell to die for.

Pelargoniums make great plants for the conservatory tolerating high temperatures and making a colourful display. In a conservatory Pelargoniums will grow quite tall and busy reminiscent of those seen in Europe trailing off balconies and displayed in gardens. They will overwinter in the conservatory and then can be brought into flower in late spring. I found it hard to find plants which would survive the fluctuations in temperature in a conservatory, and the Pelargonium fits the bill.

Taking cuttings enables you to get new plants for free, and is very easy. From now on wards is a good time to take cuttings. Below are some photos of Pelargoniums just in case you are not sold, and a slide show on how to take cuttings which is:

1. Cut off a piece from the plant non flowering just above the third joint from the growing tip. 2. Fill pot with seed compost and firm down - air pockets will prevent the cutting from rooting and stand in water so the compost becomes wet. 3. Drain  insert cuttings and firm in. 4 Put in warm light place, away from direct sun, and do not cover either propagator or bag, in this way these cuttings are different. do not watter. 5. About week or so later water from below again, repeat until rooted about 2/3 weeks and then pot up into their own separate pots.

This method works the slide show has a tray of Pelagonium cuttings in different stages and the ones on the right are growing on nicely and by next year will be good bushy plants. 

 Dusky pelagoniumpink pelagoniumgreat leaves


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