Winter gardening
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The sun was out and all looked clear and bright in the garden. I thought this would be a good time to tidy up a bit as frankly it's a bit of a mess. Once outside I stepped on the path and nearly shot down it. The water, which has being lying everywhere during the floods, has now frozen making the garden treacherous. I battled on for a while down the paths, and contemplated the garden; frozen solid and unyielding. The weight of water in the soil had ensured it was frozen rock hard and no weeding was going to be done today. What may have looked inviting, definitely wasn't, and I retreated back inside to admire the frosted fronds from the warm. It will have to stay mess for now as I don't mind battling in the cold, and even the rain, but sliding down ice paths is too much to ask. There is always the gardening catalogues and great plans for next year, always great plans for next year. |
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