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Sowing Seeds

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I find buying and sowing seeds irresistible and now the weather is a little warmer, the seed trays are everywhere. Having spent last weekend sowing vegetables and herbs,  I've been at the flower seeds. Many perennial flowers are really easy to germinate and will flower the same year, Delphiniums are just such flowers and I love the tall blue spires even if they are hard work. I've also sown Ipomoea (Morning glory) Heavenly blue and Candy pink; it's a tender annual, and a beautiful climber but it  likes a warm summer so if this year is no better than last, they will not reach any sort of glory.

A tray of  Nasturtiums, why not, so lovely trailing over or climbing up a wall.  The bedding Nasturtiums  we grow for the summer are part of the Tropaeolum genus and are annuals, but there is a lovely herbaceous perennial variety called  Tropaeolum speciosum (Flame creeper) which although it can be tricky to get established,  once going, its no trouble at all and no maintenance; follow the link for more info.  Penstemon  are easy from seed and good for filling in the borders and a tray of sunflowers for the birds, a low growing variety up to 1.5 metres which I am looking to plant alongside the wild flower patch. 

Gardening is very individual just like your own home. Some gardeners reading this maybe think hey I might try  one of these, others may shudder in horror at the plant choice. If you are seeding, use fine compost, tap it down and spray so moist not wet and check on the seed packet the depth for the seed and whether or not to exclude light. Importantly, the pot or tray must be covered to maintain a warm moist atmosphere conducive to germination (for most seeds ) use clear lids, cling film, poly bags anything to keep covered until germination and then start to let the air in.


 delphinium-flower  Morning-glory nasturtium  pink-penstemon sun-flower


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