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Autumn Sown Sweet Peas germinated

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The Autumn sown sweet peas have germinated well and put on plenty of early growth. Within a week or so I will nip them back just as we do with Spring sown peas to encourage the peas to bush out and not become too leggy and spindly. These sweet peas will be kept in the greenhouse over the winter to be hardened off in the spring ready for planting out. The hope is that these sweet peas will be bigger, and flower earlier, than the ones which I will sow in early Spring, that's the plan. For more about sowing Autumn sweet peas check out

If you are thinking of growing sweet peas next year there are hints and tips for a great summer display. Sweet peas can be sown in the Autumn or Spring and now is a good time to look on line and in the seed catalogues where are the great varieties on sale combining beautiful colours, and above all, one of the loveliest scent of summer. 


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